Samadi Bokharaie
Engineer & Scientist by Day – Photographer & Thinker by Passion
What I do now
self-driving cars – I apply control engineering, data science, and neuroscience insights to advance the autonomous vehicle industry. My work focuses on designing innovative frameworks that draw insights from human driving behavior to enhance self-driving algorithms and establish safety standards.
What I have done in the past
Wind Energy – At KU Leuven, I developed a method to optimize wind farm layouts in minutes on a regular computer—no supercomputers required! Read more about it here.
Neuroscience – At the Max Planck Institute, I studied visual perception in humans, adaptive learning, and medical imaging. Check out demos of my visual perception experiments on my YouTube channel or visit my old MPI homepage.
control theory – My PhD focused on stability analysis for Monotone Systems, leading to new theorems. Explore it here.
Epidemiology – Leveraging my mathematics, control theory, and data science background, I created methods to predict virus spread during the COVID-19 pandemic. More details here.
power systems – Developed techniques to assess how time-delays affect power grid stability. More about it here.
What I do for fun
Apart from being a proud father, I enjoy photography—capturing people and landscapes. View my photography portfolio here.
Thank you!